2023-2024 Admissions: Limited spots are available for the 2023-2024 school year! Léman is accepting applications for Explorers (12-24 months) to Grade 12. Mid-year start is also available.

2024-2025 Admissions: Next year's application is open! To learn more about Léman, join us for a Fall admissions tour. Registration is required on Ravenna.

Submit your application on Ravenna or contact our Admissions Team at any time.

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How to Apply

We welcome your interest in Léman Manhattan Preparatory School. Admission is selective and we are not able to accommodate each student who applies, so we encourage you to start your online application early.

2023-2024 Mid-Year Enrollment

Léman accepts a limited number of students for mid-year enrollment. We know that situations and family preferences can change mid-year and that families relocate to NYC throughout the year. Please contact admissions@billmaloneyhomes.com about openings in your child’s grade, then submit a mid-year application on Ravenna.

2024-2025 Enrollment

Applications for 2024-2025 must be submitted on Ravenna. The application deadline is Friday, December 1, 2023. Applying early helps you secure your preferred times for interviews and assessments. Other required admissions materials by grade can be found at the links below.

Explore the Léman experience for your child.

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